Man standing next to the back of an open van with boxes and packaging inside it

Business Rates

Current Business Rates

Rates effective as of Thursday, September 30, 2021

Certificate of Deposit 

CD Terms Compounding Minimum  to open  and  earn APY* Interest Rate APY*       
***5 months
4.94% 5.05%
***7 months
5.03% 5.15%
*** 13 months
Daily $1,000.00 4.64% 4.75%
***17 months
Daily $1,000 3.44% 3.50%
3 months Monthly $2,500 .25% .25%
6 months Monthly $2,500 .50%
12 months Daily $1,000 .75% .75%
24 months Daily $1,000 1.25% 1.26%
36 months Daily $1,000 1.49% 1.50%
48 months Daily $1,000 1.49% 1.50%
60 months Daily $1,000 1.71% 1.75%
 *APY = Annual Percentage Yield.  † An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed and could reduce earnings for these accounts. Fees could reduce earnings. ***At renewal, the 5 month, 7 month CDs will renew at the 6 month term at the 6 month rate at that time unless you instruct otherwise. The 13 month and 17 month CDs will renew at the 12 month term at the 12 month rate at that time unless you instruct otherwise. 

Statement Savings

Minimum to earn APY* Compounding Minimum to  open Interest Rate APY*
$100,000+ Daily $25 .10% .10%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 Daily $25 .10% .10%
$25,000 - $49,000.00 Daily $25 .10% .10%
$10,000 - $24,999.99 Daily $25 .10% .10%
$.01 - $9,999.99 Daily $25 .10% .10%
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.  ** Rates may change at any time.  Fees could reduce earnings.